Preparing for Q4 Sales

Pulse ProductsThe Pulse of Govcon

Preparing for Q4 Sales


On-Demand Training Video

There is much information about federal Q4 spending, so how do you ensure your sales team focuses on the right stuff?

In this bite-sized training, Amanda and Haley overview what the data says about who is buying, what they’re buying, and how they’re buying it in Q4. Then they give you tips for maximizing your federal business development efforts in Q4.

This is the art of turning data into action.


Q4 doesn’t look the same for every agency – especially regarding how they buy. You can dig through USASpending or to explore Q4 spending trends in previous years…

Or, you can take advantage of the work we’ve already done by checking out our FY23 Q4 Sales Guide.

Note: Pulse Insider and SME members receive access to this report in the Member Portal under Special Reports. 

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